Saturday, August 7, 2010

Am I a good person?

Gosh. It's been a while since I've done this, hasn't it?

Anyways, it's the end of the summer. I'm going to have my first day of my sophomore year in high school on Monday.

I'm scared.
I'm nervous.
I'm excited.

Freshman year was... an amazing time, overall. I made new friends, I discovered more about myself, I had some new experiences (good and bad). I sort of grew a backbone at the end of the school year. By the end of it all, I had cried a lot, and I had laughed a lot.

I made so many memories that I wouldn't trade anything for.

This summer has been the same way. I've gotten better with my driving, and in October I'll turn 16 and get my license. I went to Illinois for two weeks to live with my grandparents, and while I was up there I spent a weekend in Chicago. I saw a lot of things I had never seen before.

I realized how important home was to me while I was away and how much I took it for granted.

This summer I became closer with Austin, a junior at school who lives near me.

Recently I've stopped being friends with Josh, which is a positive thing for the most part.

My best girl friend Kirtney and I had some rough parts, but we made it, and I love her more than ever. She's been there a lot for me.

My best guy friend Cory is still hanging in there with me, which is a miracle in my eyes. After 5 years you'd think he'd get sick of me. I'm glad he hasn't though.

I really feel like I've found myself a close group of people who I can be myself around. I love all of them, and I haven't felt so accepted in a long time. They make me want to be a better person every day.

I hope I can meet up to their standards. I want to make something of myself to make my friends and family proud of me.


Cuppy said...

Yay!!!! I'm assuming sophomore is the equivalent of senior high, yes? Senior high is soooo much easier than junior. Socially, anyways. I hope this year is wonderful for you.

Carl said...

We have a graded school system -- sophomore=10th grade. We generally have more of a elementary, middle, and high school thing here.

Cuppy said...

ah, I see. So yes, it is the equivalent of senior high here. Canadian schools are messed sometimes. we start at the most random grades. Like starting a high school at grade eight. or nine. It's weird.